Photos of invertebrates.


I heard a lot of conversations about coral reefs and I expected to see a lot of colourful fishes and almost no invertebrates. Indeed, the most of invertebrates (except some sea cucumbers and, of course, corals) hide during the day somewhere. But when I dived at night I was really astonished! Sea urchins, feather stars, different mollusks, crustaceans were everywhere! Look!

A sponge (Demospongia)

Another sponge (Demospongia)

Another sponge (Haliclona?)

A comb jelly

A comb jelly

Hydroids (Sertularia?)


Millepora dichotoma

The net fire coral

Millepora dichotoma

Hydroid jellyfish

Hydroid jellyfish

Hydroid jellyfish

A siphonophore (the nectophore of it)

A siphonophore

Cassiopea andromeda

The Cassiopea jellyfish

Cassiopea andromeda

Cassiopea andromeda


A tube-dwelling anemone


A tube-dwelling anemone

(Entacmaea quadricolor)

The bubble-tip anemone

(Entacmaea quadricolor)

The bubble-tip anemone

Heteractis crispa>

The sebae anemone

Aiptasia sp.

An aiptasia coral

Discosoma sp.

A discosome coral

Tubastrea coccinea

Pocillopora sp. (damicornis?)

The cauliflower coral

Seriatopora sp.

Acropora sp.

Acropora sp. and Platygyra daedalea

Acropora sp.

Some stony coral

Diploastrea heliopora

Favites sp.


Platygyra sp.

Ctenactis sp.

A mushroom coral

Ctenactis sp.


Pachyseris sp.

Sarcophyton sp.

A soft coral

Sarcophyton sp.

A soft coral

Sarcophyton sp.

A soft coral

Cavernularia sp.

A soft coral

Heteroxenia fuscescens

The pulsating xenid

This may be Xenia umbellata

A xenid

Litophyton arboreum

A soft coral

Litophyton arboreum

Dendronephtya sp.

A soft coral

Dendronephtya sp.

A soft coral

Dendronephtya sp.

A soft coral

Supergorgia hicksoni

The giant gorgonian

Supergorgia hicksoni

The giant gorgonian

Acabaria biserialis (?)

A gorgonian

Acabaria biserialis

Turbinaria mesenterina

The turbinaria coral

Turbinaria mesenterina

Megalactis hemprichii

An actinia

Spirobranchus giganteus

The Christmas-tree worm

Spirobranchus giganteus

Spirobranchus giganteus

Spirobranchus giganteus

Sabellastarte sp.



Erronea caurica

The cowry

Murex forskoehlii

The Venus comb murex

Pleuroploca trapezium

The horse conch

Strombus sp. (terebellatus?)

A conch


Tectus sp.

A top snail

Trochus maculatus

The top snail

Pleurobranchus grandis

The sidegill slug

Tridacna maxima

The giant clam

Tridacna maxima

Pteria aegyptiaca

The winged oyster

Pedum spondylium

The scallop

Dentalium sp. ?

The tooth shell

Sepia sp.

A cuttlefish

Sepia sp.

Sepia sp.

Sepia sp.

A cuttlefish

Octopus sp. (macropus?)

An octopus

Octopus sp. (macropus?)

Octopus sp. (cyaneus?)

An octopus

Penaeus sp.

A prawn

Stenopus hispidus

The banded coral shrimp

Stenopus hispidus

Saron sp.

A shrimp

Thalamita picta

The swimming crab

Charybdis paucidentata

The swimming crab


A crab

Camposcia retusa

The spider crab

Camposcia retusa


A hermit crab

Dardanus sp. (?)

A hermit crab

Dardanus tinctor

The hermit crab with Calliactis on its shell.

Echinothrix diadema

The diadema urchin

Echinothrix diadema

Diadema setosum

The diadema urchin

Diadema setosum

Diadema setosum

Echinometra sp.

A sea urchin

Echinometra sp.

Tripneustes gratilla

The sea urchin

Tripneustes gratilla


A pencil sea urchin

Phyllacanthus imperialis

The pencil sea urchin

Phyllacanthus sp.

A pencil sea urchin

Clypeaster sp.

A sand dollar urchin

Leiaster coriaceus

The sea star

Leiaster coriaceus

Ophiothrix purpurea (?)

The brittle star

Ophiothrix purpurea (?)

Holothuria sp.

A sea cucumber

Holothuria atra

The black sea cucumber

Holothuria atra

Opheodesma sp.

A snake sea cucumber

Opheodesma sp.

Heterometra savignyi (?)

A feather star

Heterometra savignyi (?)

Heterometra savignyi (?)

Heterometra savignyi (?)

Heterometra savignyi (?)

Heterometra savignyi (?)

Colobometra perspinosa (?)

A feather star

Colobometra perspinosa (?)

Colobometra perspinosa (?)

Colobometra perspinosa (?)

Colobometra perspinosa (?)

Colobometra perspinosa (?)

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