A sponge (Demospongia)
Another sponge (Demospongia)
Another sponge (Haliclona?)
A comb jelly
A comb jelly
Hydroids (Sertularia?)
Millepora dichotoma
The net fire coral |
Millepora dichotoma
Hydroid jellyfish
Hydroid jellyfish
Hydroid jellyfish
A siphonophore (the nectophore of it)
A siphonophore
Cassiopea andromeda
The Cassiopea jellyfish |
Cassiopea andromeda
Cassiopea andromeda
A tube-dwelling anemone |
A tube-dwelling anemone |
(Entacmaea quadricolor)
The bubble-tip anemone |
(Entacmaea quadricolor)
The bubble-tip anemone |
Heteractis crispa>
The sebae anemone |
Aiptasia sp.
An aiptasia coral |
Discosoma sp.
A discosome coral |
Tubastrea coccinea
Pocillopora sp. (damicornis?)
The cauliflower coral |
Seriatopora sp.
Acropora sp.
Acropora sp. and Platygyra daedalea
Acropora sp.
Some stony coral
Diploastrea heliopora
Favites sp.
Platygyra sp.
Ctenactis sp.
A mushroom coral |
Ctenactis sp.
Pachyseris sp.
Sarcophyton sp.
A soft coral |
Sarcophyton sp.
A soft coral |
Sarcophyton sp.
A soft coral |
Cavernularia sp.
A soft coral |
Heteroxenia fuscescens
The pulsating xenid |
This may be Xenia umbellata
A xenid |
Litophyton arboreum
A soft coral |
Litophyton arboreum
Dendronephtya sp.
A soft coral |
Dendronephtya sp.
A soft coral |
Dendronephtya sp.
A soft coral |
Supergorgia hicksoni
The giant gorgonian |
Supergorgia hicksoni
The giant gorgonian |
Acabaria biserialis (?)
A gorgonian |
Acabaria biserialis
Turbinaria mesenterina
The turbinaria coral |
Turbinaria mesenterina
Megalactis hemprichii
An actinia |
Spirobranchus giganteus
The Christmas-tree worm |
Spirobranchus giganteus
Spirobranchus giganteus
Spirobranchus giganteus
Sabellastarte sp.
Erronea caurica
The cowry |
Murex forskoehlii
The Venus comb murex |
Pleuroploca trapezium
The horse conch |
Strombus sp. (terebellatus?)
A conch |
Tectus sp.
A top snail |
Trochus maculatus
The top snail |
Pleurobranchus grandis
The sidegill slug |
Tridacna maxima
The giant clam |
Tridacna maxima
Pteria aegyptiaca
The winged oyster |
Pedum spondylium
The scallop |
Dentalium sp. ?
The tooth shell |
Sepia sp.
A cuttlefish |
Sepia sp.
Sepia sp.
Sepia sp.
A cuttlefish |
Octopus sp. (macropus?)
An octopus |
Octopus sp. (macropus?)
Octopus sp. (cyaneus?)
An octopus |
Penaeus sp.
A prawn |
Stenopus hispidus
The banded coral shrimp |
Stenopus hispidus
Saron sp.
A shrimp |
Thalamita picta
The swimming crab |
Charybdis paucidentata
The swimming crab |
A crab |
Camposcia retusa
The spider crab |
Camposcia retusa
A hermit crab |
Dardanus sp. (?)
A hermit crab |
Dardanus tinctor
The hermit crab with Calliactis on its shell. |
Echinothrix diadema
The diadema urchin |
Echinothrix diadema
Diadema setosum
The diadema urchin |
Diadema setosum
Diadema setosum
Echinometra sp.
A sea urchin |
Echinometra sp.
Tripneustes gratilla
The sea urchin |
Tripneustes gratilla
A pencil sea urchin |
Phyllacanthus imperialis
The pencil sea urchin |
Phyllacanthus sp.
A pencil sea urchin |
Clypeaster sp.
A sand dollar urchin |
Leiaster coriaceus
The sea star |
Leiaster coriaceus
Ophiothrix purpurea (?)
The brittle star |
Ophiothrix purpurea (?)
Holothuria sp.
A sea cucumber |
Holothuria atra
The black sea cucumber |
Holothuria atra
Opheodesma sp.
A snake sea cucumber |
Opheodesma sp.
Heterometra savignyi (?)
A feather star |
Heterometra savignyi (?)
Heterometra savignyi (?)
Heterometra savignyi (?)
Heterometra savignyi (?)
Heterometra savignyi (?)
Colobometra perspinosa (?)
A feather star |
Colobometra perspinosa (?)
Colobometra perspinosa (?)
Colobometra perspinosa (?)
Colobometra perspinosa (?)
Colobometra perspinosa (?)