High plants


There are a few species of plants on these photos. But all of them are interesting, I guess.

Botrychium boreale, the northern moonwort. This curious plant is actually a fern. And these "leaf with flowers" are actually the only leaf of the plant that grows once a year! The "flower" is the fertile part of the leaf with spores.


Cystopteris montana, a rare fern, it's included to the Red Book. It grows only in the one place there - near the MSU biostation.


Utricularia media, the bladderwort. One of the various carnivorous plants on the White sea. There are 3 species of sundews, one species of butterworts and several species of bladderworts.


Vaccinium uliginosum, the bog bilberry.


Rubus chamaemorus, the cloudberry. There was an unusually big harvest of it!


Rubus saxatilis, the stone bramble.


The wild rosemary Ledum palustre flowering.


Linnaea borealis, the twinflower.


Thymus sp., the thyme.


The orchids!

The most common species of orchids: Goodyera repens, sometimes called "creeping lady's tresses". It isn't very beautiful but there was a lot of it!

The next species is common too, but it is very difficult to see it:

Listera cordata, the lesser twayblade. It is about 10-15 cm tall.


Coeloglossum (Dactylorhiza) viride, the frog orchid. It smells like a real banana!


Cypripedium calceolus, the famous lady's slipper! This orhid has huge flowers and it is unusually common near the biostation. This species is endangered, it belongs to the Red Book.


This orchid grows everywhere in Europe: Dactylorhiza maculata, the heath spotted orchid.


This is an orchid that parasites on fungi (it is typical for many orchid species), it has almost no chlorophyll. Corallorhiza trifida, the coralroot orchid.

There is one more achlorophyllous orchid that grows on the White sea. It is extremely rare, only a few of populations are known in the entire Europe. The biggest population of this species (over 150 specimens) locates on the "Bolshoi Asafy" island that belongs to the Kandalakshsky reserve.

This is it! Epipogium aphyllum, the ghost orchid.



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