Eualus gaimardii - small and transparent shrimps wich are very numerous among laminarias.
Hetairus (Lebbaeus) polaris. This is a very beautiful shrimp, you can meet it at the depth of 6-7 m.
Pandalus annulicornis. Notice the well mimicry on the first photo!
Spirontocaris turgidus. This is another beautiful White sea shrimp. The colouring is variable, I saw deep-orange specimens!
That is a ferocious predator of dark depth - Sabinea septemcarinata. Sabinea is a big shrimp, it reaches 8-9 cm length. This species buries itself in the silt so that only eyes and antennae are on the outside. When a prey (some polychaete or amphipod) appears, the shrimp jumps out and grasps the prey.
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