There are very few species of fishes in the White sea! These are several species of sculpins, a few species of cods and flat fishes. In addition: the wolf fish, the gunnel, eelpout, lumpsucker, herring, and a few species of stickleback. That's all!
No, there are else several species of deep water fishes with head lights, but we know very few about them.
It is very complicated to make a photo of fishes in the White sea because of their speed and the cold water.
A stickleback:
Gasterosteus aculeatus. A well-known species of fish which is famous dew to its ability of making nests. Actually stickleback is a freshwater species, but it can also live in the sea.
An eelpout:
Zoarces viviparus.
And the last fish:
You can see in the centre of the photo, riht above the big laminaria, a small cod (Gadus morrhua).
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