Kahovskoe reservoir.


The whole bottom of the Kahovskoe reservoir was covered by Dreissena polymorpha, the invasive freshwater mussel. On the photo you can see a big Anodonta under the Dreissena covering:

App. 7-8 meter deep. There are a lot of dead mussels and several round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus).


Neogobius melanostomus.


A bullhead (Cottus gobio).


A shoal of bitterlings (Rhodeus sericeus).


This is interesting:

Syngnathus acus - a pipefish, that went from Black sea to this reservoir upstream.


Different sponges...


Some frefhwater amphipod Gammarus.

And the next animal is the greatest luck!

This is a freshwater jelly Craspedacusta sowerbyi!

It is possible to see these jellies only once a several years, sometimes 10, 20 years! They appear in great numbers but extremely rear!


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